
Guest Contributor Introduction: Captain Marvel

I mentioned in my first article here on RMG that my mission with this blog is to create "an everyman's destination for views on videogaming." How do I intend to do that?



Okay, so maybe that "every man in the world" part is a tad unreasonable. That being said, I aim to accomplish the goal of RMG in the following ways:
(1) By posting reviews of games not only for consoles (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii), but also for PCs, as well as flash games.
(2) By incorporating a diverse group of writers who have grown up playing games; a group that has played the great games as well as some horrible ones (I'm looking at you, Battletoads, you money-stealing prick) can recognize what works and what does not.
(3) By discussing relevant issues that confront the industry today, including (but not limited to): retailers failing to adhere to the rating system established by the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board); videogames and addictive behavior; violence in videogames; and whether videogames can be classified as "art."
(4) And finally, I hope to insure this site will not be all intellectual discussions and views. We'll have some fun articles every now and then too.

This post would fall under number two. Captain Marvel is someone I would consider a great friend of mine, and we have had many hours-long conversations about the nature of games and the industry. So, without further adieu... world, meet Captain Marvel. CM, meet the world.

You two play nice.
Who are you?

You may refer to me as Captain Marvel. Many ask, "Isn't there a Captain Marvel in both Marvel Comics AND DC Comics? Which one?" The answer is quite simple. YES.

What systems have you owned/do you own?
I've been gaming for about as long as I can remember. I played on the consoles of my friends for my early years, playing on the NES, Genesis, and the SNES. The first console of any kind that I owned was my grey brick of a Game Boy. I went on to own a N64, a PlayStation, a Dreamcast, a PS2, a Gamecube, a Game Boy Advance, a PSP, and currently a Wii, a Nintendo DS, and XBox 360.

What are your favorite genres?
I can be very honest in saying that there isn't a game genre out there that doesn't have at least a couple of games that I very much enjoy. If I had to say what genres are truly my favorite, I would have to say first-person shooters, action/adventure, and RPGs.

Least favorite genres?
Least favorite...I suppose I'd have to go with racing games, but even there I have some games I like to play.

Favorite Games?
My all-time favorite games can be hard to pick. For action/adventure games, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time wins hands down. FPS...eh...that's a tough one. I'll break that one down a little further. My favorite FPS for multiplayer/playing with friends co-op is definitely the Halo trilogy. For single player campaign...it's hard to beat Call of Duty 4. LOVE that game. When it comes to RPGs... ack! Hardest pick. A list, then. Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy...the one with Cecil, whichever one that is. Hard to keep up with them changing the numbers on us. Anyways, moving on down the list...Skies of Arcadia, Tales of Vesperia, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and...well, kinda a FPS/RPG, but anyway, Fallout 3.

So why do I love video games? I don't really know for sure; perhaps because of the chance to experience something that I can't in the real world. I can't defeat the King of Evil with the Master Sword here in Tennessee. In any case, I love this industry, and I aspire to work in it.

MISSION: Familiarize Readers With Self - Complete

Marvel out.

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